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5 Brilliant Ways to Activate the Genius Part of Your Brain

Author:NeuroGym Team

The billionaire CEO of Tesla Motors, SpaceX, SolarCity, and Neuralink is not only providing alternatives to burning fossil fuels . . . he’s also planning a rocket-and-space ship trip to colonize Mars in his reusable, new Raptor engine—a powerful Interplanetary Transport System.

Elon is a man with a plan who loves and believes in his goals and dreams.

So how does he do it?

He’s a genius.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Musk’s Mars Manifesto, Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species, is an interesting read . . . Worth checking out.)

What Would Your Brain’s CEO Do?

The thing about geniuses is that they believe they can do whatever they set their mind to and they feel good about it. They also establish a plan and work toward it every day . . . with the deep-rooted belief that they will accomplish goals and dreams no matter what.

To activate your inner genius, you first have to reprogram your prefrontal cortex, which is the CEO of your brain (the part that helps you navigate through your behavior and decision-making process).

As you start reprogramming your brain for success, you generate positive mental strength, create strong self-motivation . . . and dispel the negative beliefs that may be hindering you from moving forward along your path to goal achievement.

Ready to start believing, thinking, and creating like Elon Musk, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, and Albert Einstein?

Keep reading to discover how to enhance the genius part of your brain by using science-based, time-tested techniques.

5 Things You Can Do to Activate Your Inner Genius

Preety woman with light bulbs circleing around her head

Nurturing your inner genius to come out and play . . . and be super smart and successful begins with your conscious intention and commitment to accomplish goals that align with your values.

Once you’ve got that figured out, here are the action steps you need to take . . .

1. Fire your inner saboteur.

Your inner saboteur is the critic in your head that keeps you stuck being pretty much “average.” You know the one, right? The negativity its voice often spews is debilitating and goal crushing. Have you noticed?

In his book, Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting out of Your Own Way, Rick Carson refers to the inner critic as your “gremlin.”

Carson has some great insight into the downfalls of negative self-talk, self-defeating behaviors, and limiting beliefs. Here’s an Innercise we created that’s inspired by Carson’s technique for getting the gremlin out of your mind.

To release the inner saboteur, you need to call it out for its deception and negativity . . . and then fire it on the spot.

Here’s an excellent way to do it:

  • Close your eyes and take six deep breaths.
  • Bring your inner gaze up and to your forehead.
  • In that dark space between your eyes, imagine what your inner saboteur looks like.

Is it scary? Is it comical? A little of both? What shape is the saboteur? What color? What size?

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  • Now hear the lies coming from your inner critic.

What’s it telling you? What does its voice sound like? Is it telling you all the reasons you should stop moving in the direction of your dreams? 

Is it telling you that you are not good at what you do, so what’s the point of spending all this time on it? Maybe it’s telling you that you have nothing more to give or say and that your ideas are bogus?

What else does it say? 

  • Take a moment to observe the negative voice in your head, knowing that what it’s saying isn’t true.
  • Now take a deep inhale . . . and as you exhale, release the inner saboteur from your mind, heart, body, and spirit. Inner Saboteur, because of your lack of truth, constant deception, and negative attitude . . . you’re fired. You need to get out of my head immediately. 
  • Open your eyes and take out a piece of paper. It is time to draw your inner critic as it’s leaving your headspace. Go ahead . . . draw what you saw.
  • Now that you’ve removed your “gremlin” from your mind, do whatever you want with it.

We suggest you post your sketch somewhere in your office so that whenever you hear any negative self-talk—distracting you from your important work, you can look at your drawing . . . and observe the critical voice in your head as something outside yourself.

Recognize yourself as a great achiever as you release the limiting beliefs . . . see the truth.

Some people see their inner saboteur as a giant muppet-looking creature or an unruly, super annoying child. Others see theirs as a wicked old witch or a strange shadow figure.

What about you? Please feel free to describe the inner critic you fired in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you!

2. Develop the mindset of a millionaire (or billionaire).

When it comes to developing the mindset of a millionaire, the bottom line is, you’ve got to start thinking like one. Genius millionaires, first and foremost, value themselves; they then align their other values with their goals.

Ask yourself: What do I value most? How can I make lots of money doing what I love and value?

Most millionaires, like geniuses,  like to “dabble” . . . try new things. Highly intelligent human beings are known for being polymaths (a.k.a. dabblers). They are always seeking out innovative activities, honing new skills, and networking with like-minded individuals. It’s part of their personality. They’re notorious for having a refined skill set.

However, the majority of people are not willing to invest in themselves—even for one hour a day. (This is why most of us never reach our full potential.)

And it’s not because most people don’t have the potential . . . it’s because they don’t have the right mindset, skill set, strategic plan, commitment, and motivation to take action toward their goals.

To activate your inner genius, take one hour of each day to focus on getting better at what you love to do and who you want to be. It’ll be one of the best uses of your time.

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3. Unleash your creativity.

There’s no doubt a creativity crisis in the United States . . . at least in the public school system where children are being rewarded for their standardized test-taking abilities but not for their creative insight. Tragically, the loss of creative thinking contributes to the nation’s increasing lack of innovation in the arts and sciences.

Maybe it’s because creativity doesn’t respond well to time management or strict deadlines. Creativity takes time to explore . . . And in general, it’s acknowledged that creativity seems to happen “outside of time,” as if the clock doesn’t exist.

And creativity is joyfully unleashed when there’s passion involved—that feeling of deep excitement you feel about your subject, your work, your project . . . your profession. You’ve felt it before, right?

Your passion fuels the engine of creative genius. 

While in the process of figuring out what primes your creative pump, take note of your personal style. What makes you unique? What do you notice when you observe yourself and others? How do you see the world? Keep a notebook with you at all times and jot down your reflections . . .

According to scientist Roberta Ness, author of Creativity in the Sciences, to achieve your goals, or produce something that’s awesome enough to make progress, one must risk being “out there” . . . maybe even appear a little crazy. Dr. Ness believes it’s possible to teach crazy, innovative thinking skills to people.

So to get in touch with your creative side, learn how to brainstorm new ideas with your genius mind in tow.

Here’s a fun exercise for stretching your inner Einstein muscle:

  • Generate a list of crazy ideas about a problem, making the next idea more absurd than the one before;
  • select one of the crazy ideas, and
  • ask yourself: What makes my approach unique?
  • Extract the underlying premise of the idea;
  • list the parts or features of that design, and
  • take one of the parts of that idea and use it to generate a new idea.

Geniuses have a variety of cognitive tools they use to create, breakthrough, and discover. Luckily, we can harness these tools for our creations, too.

Let your mind wander through space from time to time.

Have you seen the new television series (“Genius”) about the life of Einstein that recently debuted on the National Geographic Channel? It weaves a common thread through each episode: the controversial activities Einstein indulged in throughout his lifetime—one being his rebellion and another being his ability to totally tune out, space out . . . and daydream. We should all start daydreaming more, don’t you think?

To make spacing out at work work for you, consciously build mind-wandering into your daily schedule.

Close your eyes, fully relax (take at least six deep breaths), and “invite” your brain to daydream.

Let your mind go off on its own little adventure . . .

Thoughts and feelings will arise and behave chaotically. That’s creative mind-wandering; watch it without interfering because this is how your brain solves the problems you’ve been consciously working on.

Take a 5-10 minute “daydreaming” break at least three times a day. And when you return to doing the work you love doing, notice how your productivity increases as your stress levels drop!

4. Access your intuition.

The last step was all about activating your inner genius through passion and developing your authentic style. In this step, practice awakening your inner guru.

Your inner guru knows how to nurture the genius part of your brain. You see, the way you observe your thoughts and behaviors (from a place of inner wisdom) is key.

Geniuses are keen observers of themselves, others, and the world around them.

Being tuned into our internal and external worlds is a unique quality because human beings often become complacent observers. It’s “a hardwired phenomenon amongst all animal species,” according to Dr. Ness.

When we expose ourselves to the same environment every day, we stop paying attention to what’s going on around us. But when we change things up, we focus on our surroundings. Think of what happens when you house-sit for a friend in the country. All of a sudden you’re hyper-aware of every little detail of your surroundings: the sights, sounds, and smells.

Expectations and assumptions play a huge part in our perception, which can sabotage our ability to see what’s really in front of us. Today, for example, we know bacteria causes most stomach ulcers. We know this because of the keen observations of Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, who noticed abnormalities in biopsy material.

And when you pay attention to what’s going on within/listen to your intuition, breakthroughs are much more likely to unfold for you.

To access your intuition, practice mindfulness meditation at least every morning and evening but before you sit down to meditate, ask your inner guru a question you want to be answered or solved.

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Take the time to listen to the quiet, peaceful wisdom of your mind-body-spirit. Recent research conducted by the neuroscientist, Joel Pearson, suggests that our intuition is our sixth sense communicating with us.

Pay attention to it. Make decisions based on the guidance of your intuitionWhat does it want you to explore in this lifetime? (Take notes on what your intuitive wisdom suggests. It’ll be the best advice you’ve heard all year!)

Be still and know.

5. Release your fear.

One major reason people live their entire lives with their genius mind in sleep mode is that they’re fearful. Let’s take the fear of failure for example . . .

The fear of failure is an illusionary fear that’s deceiving and manipulating you into believing that failing is a “bad.”

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Click the button below to download NeuroGym’s PDF on how to clear your mind of fear in 60 seconds or less so you can release your fear and activate the genius part of your brain.)


The truth is, you have to make bold moves and mistakes in order to succeed. You have to make new mistakes, little mistakes . . . even big mistakes.

One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts.

Albert Einstein

You have to try, fail, and learn. Try something new, fail a different way, learn again . . . persevere despite the inevitable setbacks. Got it? And another benefit of fear is that you can use fear as fuel for your success

The techniques mentioned above may sound like a lot to do right now, but if you set your mind to it . . . you can be brilliant! Start by taking one step at a time . . . 

We’d love to hear from you!

Please leave a response, ask a question, or let us know if you’ve discovered more ways to activate the genius part of your brain in the comments section below.


About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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