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Do You Know Why You Behave the Unique Way You Do?

Author:NeuroGym Team

Have you ever thought in depth about what makes up your unique perspective and personality? Why you act the way you do in your own special way?

And why does Aunt Jane have such an outstanding outlook on life that no one else seems to get?

Who you are . . . the unique way you and everything you experience starts with your brain: your moods, relationships, energy level, creativity, intelligence, and ability to learn.

Your brain determines your personality, motivation, confidence, persistence, happiness, inner peace . . . and your ability to love and be loved. So why do you behave the way you do?

If you’re anxious, unhappy, or unproductive, that, too, comes from your brain. We all have brain areas that aren’t working optimally. A scan of your brain would reveal that some parts aren’t working at full strength, while others are overactive.

These emotions are the result of less-than-optimal brain function.

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Confusion
  • Bad decisions
  • Learning problems
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Procrastination
  • Motivation and confidence difficulties
  • An inability to stick to diet and exercise resolutions
  • And many other common life challenges . . .

Luckily, this can be changed–and often quite easily. Why? Because your brain has neuroplasticity:

The ability to change in response to any repeated stimuli, thought, sensory impression, movement, or action.

Practice the piano every day and your brain turns over more neurons to pushing the right keys, playing the correct rhythm, hearing the music, and so on.

Repeatedly think kind and compassionate thoughts and your brain becomes better at creating kindness and compassion. Think anxious, fearful, or angry thoughts, though, and your brain will become better at being anxious, fearful, and angry. Makes sense, right?

With the right stimuli you can change your brain, and in doing so, two parts of the brain are especially important, often competing with each other (like the little devil and angel on each shoulder often seen in cartoons).

Whichever part dominates has a huge effect on your life, your happiness, and your effectiveness.

Because of neuroplasticity, though, if the wrong part is running your life you can do something about it.

Let’s take a closer look at the neuroscience.

Your limbic system, a more primitive part of your brain, instantly responds to danger the famous “fight or flight” response–obviously important when we encounter real danger.

Unfortunately, in today’s stressful world, this fight or flight stress response often won’t turn off. We respond to many everyday events: being cut off in traffic, losing our keys, a disagreement with our partner, or a normal disappointment . . . as if these things were life-threatening saber-toothed tigers.

Eventually, fight or flight becomes our underlying baseline experience and we don’t even notice it. What’s more, the constant stream of stress chemicals creates many common health problems, which we also come to think of as “normal.”

Your limbic system is great for fast decisions–if they involve fighting or fleeing. And because it causes blood to flow to your extremities (so you can fight or flee) and away from your brain you can’t think clearly or make good decisions.

Your limbic system has zero ability to see or allow for potential consequences.When it’s active you’re drawn to such things as:

  • Eat the wrong foods (or too much of them);
  • Blow off exercising;
  • Check Facebook instead of working on your goals;
  • And say or do things you later regret.

Your savior is your prefrontal cortex (PFC), the source of “executive function”, rational thought, problem-solving, creativity, and planning, as well impulse control (overruling the limbic system), delayed gratification, and willpower.

Those with a strong PFC (and a calm limbic system), experience many extraordinary benefits:

  • Better grades in school, significantly higher SAT scores
  • Higher income
  • Lower BMI (i.e., less chance of being overweight)
  • Better social function, more friends
  • Better cognitive function, greater intelligence
  • More self-control, a greater ability to resist temptation
  • Less distractibility
  • Greater self-reliance
  • More confidence, more trust in their own judgment
  • More organized, less rattled
  • Greater resilience and adaptability, less sidelined by setbacks
  • More easily pursue and reach long-term goals
  • Fewer addictive behaviors

Best of all, you can make the brain changes that strengthen your prefrontal cortex and calm your limbic system, and experience these same benefits for yourself.

You’ll be amazed at how your life will change–if your brain changes.

Click here to experience brain technology (absolutely free!) that changes the brain by calming the limbic system and enhancing the prefrontal cortex using state-of-the-art sound wave technology. Start improving your brain right now with this amazing technology by clicking the button below.


Then, armed with a better brain, go make your goals a reality!

(NOTE: The majority of this content was originally published by Centerpointe Research Institute.)


About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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