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Scientists: The Human Brain Has Odd Similarities to the Entire Universe

Author:NeuroGym Team

Do you feel disappointed in yourself, ordinary, and powerless to change your future? Are you held back by the sense of insecurity and instability brought upon by some traumatic changes?

If so, don’t despair! As it turns out, you possess an asset that enables you to do and achieve the things you truly want. It’s your brain! In this article, you’ll find out about the similarity between the structure of your brain and the universe and how you can use this connection to become more optimistic, calm, and confident.

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Your Mind’s Similarity to the Universe 

Scientists found that the human brain’s structure shares a striking resemblance to that of the observable universe. The similarity lies in how galaxies are grouped, which was found to be astonishingly similar to the arrangement of the human brain’s neural networks.

At Bologna University, F. Vazza and A. Feletti detailed what the inspiring alignment looked like. In the observable universe, galaxies are grouped into cosmic networks.

Human Brain and Universe Similarity

#1: Self-Organization

The researchers from Bologna University discovered that solid matter in both cases—the human mind and the universe—actually makes up roughly 30% of the entire entity.

The count of the entities matches by a high near 79%, with the observable universe having around 100 billion galaxies and the brain counting approximately 69 billion neurons.

The conclusion is that both entities run on the premise of self-organization and similar principles and complexity levels.

#2: String Networks

Moreover, both neuronal networks and galaxies are arranged in a string of “beads” that connect networks mutually.

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#3: Low Density

Both the universe and the human brain are largely composed of a “filler mass.” In the case of the brain, the space between neural networks is filled with a watery fluid while, with the universe, the space between galaxies is filled with dark energy.

#4: Clusters and Beads

In the case of the human mind, neural networks are circuits, or more basic neurons, that are made from cells. The universe, on the other hand, is made from galaxy clusters, which are made from individual galaxies, and individual galaxies are made from celestial bodies.

Both structures share similar metrics for clusters and connection numbers. It appears that both our minds and the universe follow the same principles when growing, connecting, and transforming their structures.

The entity as a whole is made from smaller entities, and those smaller clusters are composed of more basic units.

If you compared the images of the two, you’d notice that these networks looked a lot like the human brain’s complex neuron webs. To clarify, one of the distinct, complex features that distinguishes the human brain from any other living being is the complexity of its neural networks.

Neuron Clusters and Thinking: Find Out How Your Brain Power Works

Neurons, on their own, are structured as a web of nerves with each nerve serving a specific purpose and responding to different types of stimuli to then transfer energy and messages.

But human life wouldn’t be as refined as it is if we weren’t able to group neurons into networks and contextualize the information into interpretations of meanings and situations.

Our neurons, or rather their networks, distinguish humans from all other animals; they’re far more complex, and that complexity results in our ability to make deductions and connect different types of information. Let’s show an example.

You’re sitting in your living room and suddenly smell gas. You feel your eyes sting, and you know it’s time to get out and call an emergency service. You also know that you shouldn’t, under any circumstances, light a fire anywhere in the house—or else, it would burst into flames.

Where’s the Magic of Neurons Here?

Animals can’t always spot danger and act accordingly because they aren’t able to associate one occurrence with previous knowledge and anticipate what will happen. A dog, for example, would perhaps move to an area that didn’t have a lot of that bad smell but would end up suffocating from the link.

If you didn’t have your neural networks, you wouldn’t have the intellectual ability to make an instant connection between the alarming circumstances. You’d feel your eyes sting and perhaps just went to bed, and you wouldn’t think much about the smell… so you’d end up dying either way.

With higher cognitive abilities, you’re first able to learn about the potential dangers of gas leaks in school, from your parents, or from the TV. Then, you’re able to identify that several seemingly unconnected occurrences (burning sensation in your eyes, maybe nausea, and smell) mean one thing: The gas is leaking.

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We’re able to make these deductions because we have neuronal webs. Similar to how neuronal webs form and group from nerves that spread information about different stimuli, neuronal webs take that concept to an even higher level and enable you to take dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of different pieces of information simultaneously and effortlessly and make smart deductions.

Universe and Brain Power: What’s There to Learn?

Remember that one of the basic traits of the human mind is to absorb information. Aside from that, it always strives toward learning and changing. If you sat in a dark room with nothing to see, do, or think about for even several months, your mental state would decay dramatically.

Here’s how you can start growing your brain power by learning from the important lessons behind brain and universe similarity:

Lesson #1: Transformation

Our brain’s constant need and desire for stimulation is largely behind the need to connect, socialize, create, and keep ourselves busy. Without stimulation, your neuronal networks start to weaken, and they eventually start dying out. The number of those networks in charge of cognitive functioning drops, and the longest preserved are those in charge of biological functions and survival.

Similarly, the known universe constantly moves, changes, and rearranges its structure. By what principles and for what reasons remains unknown, but the network of energy and mass is always moving and transforming, like our brains as we grow and mature.

Transformation in human life is imminent, and like those in the known universe, it all too often comes in the form of an explosion that releases energy for new things to be created. Think about it the next time you cope with the loss of a relationship or have difficulty accepting that situations and people around you are changing.

Lesson #2: Stimulation

Neuronal webs, or rather their number and complexity, depend a lot on stimulation. The more knowledge and experience you gain, the more refined and complex your brain becomes. Learning makes your brain more powerful, and that is a proven fact.

The more you learn, the less you need to consciously act to produce positive changes in your life. Instead, your brain creates complex networks of information to intuitively steer your thinking in the right direction.

It may also be inspiring to think about what “life” in the universe looks like. Celestial bodies form from energy transfer. Cosmic explosions, like those of supernovas, release energy that, over time, starts to form matter. Different types of matter form different celestial bodies (planets, stars, etc.) that further group into higher structures like galaxies.

The entire universe, for as long as humans were able to observe it, is in the constant process of creation made from destruction. When one celestial body “dies,” numerous others are created from it.

Lesson #3: Brain and Universe Growth Similarity

From there, you can continue to think about how this pattern is reflected in life on Earth. There’s a cycle of creation and destruction as well—noted in biology as well as history, geography, and physics.

Whenever you feel like your world is falling apart, remember that, within it, a supernova has imploded and is now releasing new energy for creation.

Think about the following:

  • What do you do with this new opportunity to grow?
  • Where should you shift focus moving forward?
  • What other “supernovas” (projects, ideas, relationships) are about to implode, and what can you do with this anticipation?

Lesson #4: Brain Power and Energy

The known universe changes on the principle of transforming energy and matter while the human mind serves its purpose by exchanging neurological signals, which are essentially energy transfers. Each time you have a thought, strings of energy signals echo through your mind. Your brain, like the universe, works by transferring energy.

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Lesson #5: Trust

If you follow your intuition, you can count on it to be a result of millions of daily interpretations and deductions created in your mind. However, the quality and accuracy of your intuition depend on the quality of information that you expose your mind to. Your state of mind will echo the content it perceives. Give it nature, art, literature, crafts, movement, and trusting relationships, and it will thrive.

If you’re looking for ways to grow and advance, feed your brain with top-quality information, and then trust it to do its job and create higher intelligence that enables you to act toward growth.


The whole notion that the human brain is similar to the universe may not have yet proven implications, but it can certainly help you grow your mind power.

It can help you realize the connections between seemingly unrelated sensations, experiences, and events; it can help you understand the changes within you and those around you.

About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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