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5 Sure Fire Ways to Overcome the Feeling of Uncertainty and Fear

Author:NeuroGym Team

What are we supposed to do when we don’t know what to do next?

This question has been on the minds of human beings since our ancestors travelled the earth in search of fruit and grains.

But maybe we feel less certain even more so today—during times of shaky, fake news cycles run by local and global, partisan politics; the myriad questions about our true purpose . . . and what we can do to help the world and its changing climate.

How can I possibly save the planet? What can I do to help people involved with mass migration? How do I turn my ideas into something that makes a positive impact?

All this uncertainty circulating is enough to make us want to give up sometimes . . . throw in the towel, right?

Uncertainty cuts us off from the creative flow . . . 

When there’s a boat load of self-doubt and insecurity in the air, the decision-making process can be challenging and unproductive.

The good news is . . . the brain is plastic, which means every time we engage in any activity, our brain changes in some way—even if only to a minimal degree. In fact, your brain is slightly different from when you first started reading this article.

So how do we overcome the feeling of uncertainty?

It takes practice . . . but when you find yourself grappling with a false fear (e.g., fear of public speaking), you can stop for a moment and change your thinking mind by re-affirming you’re on the right path to success and connected to your true nature, your true purpose . . . your true self.

If you stay connected to the truth of who you are, your ability to accomplish goals will never waiver. ~ CLICK TO TWEET ~

Ready to eliminate self-doubt, make a commitment to your goals, stay motivated, and turn your dreams into reality

Here Are 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Help You Overcome Uncertainty and Self-doubt

1. Release your fear.

You’ve heard this one before, right? It takes number one on our list because it’s vital to your success.

We’re biologically wired with a longing to belong to an organized group. We fear the possibility of being cut off, demeaned, or isolated. The depth and flavor of fear vary from person to person . . . although there are common elements at play.

If we’re willing to look, what is our actual felt experience? What are we so anxious about? Failure? The unknown? Destructive future events that may or may not take place?

Things always feel uncertain to some degree, don’t they? Unfortunately, we tend to live life based upon a set of unquestioned beliefs: we believe that politics will always operate along the status quo, for instance, or that our current job is all we can do right now, or that our dreams are too far-fetched.

But the only way to move forward into your truth is to become aware of your current belief system. Are your fears keeping you stuck in a stagnant space (your comfort zone)—delaying your dreams from becoming a reality? If so, it’s time to reprogram your brain for success . . .  

(EDITOR’S NOTEBy retraining your brain for success, you’ll stop standing on the edge of your potential; and you’ll start fulfilling more of what you are capable of achieving. Ready to uncover and overcome your fears and turn them into fuel for your success? Click here to register for the free masterclass training.) 

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2. Trust your inner wisdom.  

According to neuroscience researcher, Mark Waldman, you can master your emotions by talking to your intuition. Waldman suggests that whenever you have a strong reaction (positive or negative), write it down in your journal (20 words or less). Then look at what you wrote and get yourself into a state of total relaxation.

Once you’re calm, in your breath, and ready to listen, ask your intuition to provide you with insight. You’ll discover that you have an inner voice of wisdom that’s always there to guide you

(EDITOR’S NOTE: For all the neuro-geeks out there, intuition is governed by your insula and anterior cingulate.)

If you want to know how to stop struggling with self-doubt, pay attention to the wisdom of your inner guru. And when you get a clear message . . . take action!

Don’t worry about what others think. Until you perfect your intuitive abilities, you may make “mistakes” or misjudge an impulsive urge to do something off the cuff that doesn’t work out for you.

The more you practice listening to your heart, the more you’ll build your “intuitive muscle.”

You’ll learn to act with courage in faith and belief. And when you act in complete faith and confidence while listening to your inner wisdom, everything will unfold according to divine order . . . exactly when and as it should: never too early or too late.

3. Keep the faith.

You must have absolute belief that your vision will come to full fruition. Unshakable faith is an essential element to bringing your dreams into physical reality. Believing in yourself makes it much easier to maintain self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-motivation along the path to success.

Keeping the faith is a powerful agent in achieving your dreams. It also helps us to stay centered, calm, and present to ourselves and our lives.  

When we have faith and believe that our ideal life is coming to us, there’s no need to hurry. Hurry is a manifestation of fear . . . and fear is based on self-doubt.

Achievers are the world’s believers. Enjoy the journey!

4. Practice “awakening” during anxious times. 

In our society, there are a bunch of first world problems and challenging circumstances circulating on a regular basis, right? Everything from disturbing political situations to the sudden loss of a loved one . . . to the unexpected job termination.

No doubt, situations like these make us feel uncertain. And recent times have thrust many people into a state of “not-knowing.”

In a world of instability, where can we find solace?

We have to awaken to the fact that there’s going to be instability no matter what. We have to embrace the reality that we don’t know everything. This “not-knowing” is discussed extensively by Buddhist philosophers. It is the first of the three tenents a Zen practitioner studies while learning how to “hold to the center” when things blow up around them.

Try to “hold your center” in the midst of chaos.

It’s good to be aware of what’s going on in the world. So nurture your ability to be mindful of local and global situations. However, try turning off the evening news this week and go for a walk instead. Notice the difference?

And when you’re driving . . . switch from NPR to an oldies station from time to time. It feels good to sing, right? Allow yourself to be present—for yourself, as your best version of yourself . . . and show up for others in your life as well. Be the light!

Let go of limiting ideas and beliefs you have about yourself, others, society, and the universe. The dropping away of things you have relied upon for a sense of stability may lead you to examine what you believe is your truth, your purpose, your center.

Remember, not-knowing is O.K.; it trains you to set aside fixed points of view. Awakening into this truth allows your “growth mindset” to blossom.

5. Align your goals with your core values.

Think about your values. Have you ever acted in a way that went against them? It felt kinda weird, right? That discomfort is called “cognitive dissonance.”

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When you feel cognitive dissonance, you have two choices: change your actions or change your values. While it may be uncomfortable, cognitive dissonance helps you to act in ways that align with your deepest values.

If you feel any twinge of unpleasantness during your daily routine, listen to that feeling; it’s an opportunity to reassess . . . and find out what you need to change.

If you want to be fully satisfied with your life, align your purpose with your core values.

A good practice that helps us get in alignment with our core values is to recognize what we’re grateful for in our lives. It’s equally beneficial to cultivate an authentic gratitude practice in uncertain times.

Be grateful for what you have. Remind yourself right now of all the things people have done for you in your life. Love is rooted in gratitude; it’s rooted in appreciation; it’s rooted in acknowledging the work and practices of others.

If you approach the present moment with wisdom, kindness, and a sense of responsibility, you won’t have to worry about the future. It will take care of itself.

What’s next?

Being certain gives us patience with our goals and dreams. We know success can come to you because it already exists. It’s just waiting for you to attract it . . . so go out and get it!

In times of turmoil where stress and anxiety are at their peak, remember what you want to accomplish during your lifetime. Keep pursuing your dreams!

Write down your goals, create a plan with the steps you need to take to achieve your vision, and commit to taking action toward your ideal lifestyle! Release your fear, trust your intuition, and believe in yourself and your dreams as you forge the path toward goal accomplishment.

To help you get started, learn more about how to achieve any goal by using the neuroscience of success! How? Register to attend the Brain-A-Thon training hosted by John Assaraf. See you there . . . 

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About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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