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Life Advice

John Assaraf’s Life Advice Will Leave You Speechless

Author:NeuroGym Team

What’s the best piece of life advice someone has ever given to you?

Every day is a chance to learn something. Many times, other people are the source of new ideas, and they teach you all kinds of things.

A lot of this comes across as advice. Sometimes, the advice is useful, but other times, it doesn’t help you at all.

Each person is going through their own struggles, so when they get advice, it might not be useful for them. The advice that John Assaraf has does apply to you—no matter who you are or what you are going through.

A Clean Slate

When a child is born, their brain is a clean slate. They have no idea about what they are capable of and what they can achieve in life.

As that child grows up, they are influenced by a bunch of things. Their parents, family, friends, and teachers all have an impact on their life and more importantly, their brain.

In the following video, John Assaraf unpacks this idea.

Learning Schemas

Even though you were born with your brain being a clean slate, you quickly learned all kinds of things. Your parents and other people help you to build your knowledge.

It all starts with learning schemas, which are considered the building blocks of knowledge.

For example, a basic schema is learning about a car with wheels. A child could then call a motorcycle a car because it has wheels—it’s the schema they are falling back on. Only when someone tells them it’s a motorcycle does a new schema form and even expand into the idea of vehicles.

Building on the Basics

As a child learns more schemas, they start to get a better idea about life. They learn more about how the world works, their role in it, and how to interact with other people.

Think back to your own childhood and how you learned about different things. Somewhere along the way, you started to get ideas about income, occupation, and relationships based on what other people told you.

You were taught that people from your “neck of the woods” act a certain way, do specific kinds of jobs, and have some kind of aspirational level.

Creating Neural Pathways

All of these ideas are implanted into your brain from a young age. It colors that blank canvas with specific beliefs before you even get a chance to make a life decision for yourself.

What you learn as a child (and as an adult) creates networks in your brain. It forces you to think in certain ways, and you always fall back on these basic principles when you are uncertain about something.

Your neural networks are a part of you just as much as your spine is. It works in a certain way because you tell it to.

Getting Help From a Mentor

Throughout your life, you may realize that what you have done all your life isn’t working. You could choose to find a mentor that will help you to do better.

John Assaraf is someone who can assist you with this. He knows how important coaching is, so John brought together a team of experts to provide you with a life-changing experience at the Brain-A-Thon.

Reserve your space now and change your future.

Limiting Beliefs 

As you start to form ideas, it’s normal to create beliefs that guide in your life.

Not all beliefs are good, though; some are limiting beliefs which are unhealthy ideas that limit you in some way—usually because you associate them with risk.

Types of Limiting Beliefs

There are many limiting beliefs, and you might be familiar with some of these:

I’m too old to learn something new.

No one will want to be my friend.

My business idea won’t work because someone got to it before me.

These three limiting beliefs show exactly how ideas can be false in different areas of your life.

They are broadly classified into three categories: beliefs about yourself, beliefs about others, and beliefs about the world. The examples above demonstrate each of these respectively.

None of these beliefs are true, but you still believe them because that’s how you’ve conditioned your brain.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs form when you are a child and continue to build as you get “proof” of your idea over your lifetime.

If you don’t address them, you will never achieve what you want, you won’t get the fulfilling relationships you need, and you might even miss out on opportunities in the workplace.

The best way to overcome limiting beliefs is to challenge them. That starts with your thinking.

Every time you think, I can’t… or something similar, ask yourself why this is the case. Look for the foundation of this belief.

Most times, you will realize it was an external influence that gave you this idea and that you didn’t come up with it yourself. Challenge your limiting beliefs!

Patterns and Habits

Every neural network in your brain happens through repetition. It starts with schemas and expands to include beliefs, culture, and a whole lot of other things.

Practice Makes Perfect (Or Not)

The old adage of practice makes perfect is one that most of us are familiar with. For many of us, it refers to doing the same thing over and over again.

When you do this, you are giving the same message to your brain repeatedly. It allows your neural networks to take shape and strengthen.

This isn’t always a good thing. Limiting beliefs, bad habits, and negative thoughts that you experience repeatedly go against the idea of practice makes perfect.

You have to break the cycle with these ideas and start to think differently if you plan on moving forward in a better way. Besides, many of these ideas aren’t even your own, so you need to let them go.

Repetition Becomes Habit 

The more you think and do things in a certain way, the more they become a part of you and your brain.

Just like you can have negative thoughts and bad habits, you can also use repetition for constructive thinking and to develop good habits.

Reflect on your life currently. What is one bad habit you have that you can change? What is one good habit you have that you are proud of? How did that come about?

Find lessons in the good things you are currently doing and work on them to help you do better in the future.

Learn Something New

The more you learn, the better your chances become of establishing new repetitive thoughts and habits. Learning also gives you the opportunity to confront previously held beliefs.

Find out how to change the neural networks of your brain and become a better thinker by attending the Brain-A-Thon.

The Best Life Advice

At the start of this article, we told you that John Assaraf will share life advice with you that applies to you no matter what stage of life you are in.

Here it is: The best and most rewarding thing you can do for yourself is to retrain your brain.

Change Your Thinking; Change Your Life

Limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, and bad habits are a part of your life, but life changes constantly. You don’t have to be stagnant; you can change.

It all starts with your brain.

To make any change, you have to make a conscious decision that you will do something differently.

Decide today that you are going to go back to that newborn phase so that you can start with a clean slate. Give yourself the opportunity to create your own thoughts and ideas of the world without the external influences and opinions based on other people’s experiences.

Retrain Your Brain

To do this, you have to retrain your brain. You need to question preconditioned ideas and break down destructive neural networks.

Simultaneously, you have to replace those neural networks with something more productive and positive.

It allows you to change your beliefs into ones without borders. You gain the ability to use affirmations that instill in you a sense of pride, accomplishment, and the ability to do anything you set your mind to.

Build Better Habits

The more you think in this new way, the more you attract positivity and good things to your life. You begin to see opportunities where there are obstacles, and every challenge becomes a chance to learn.

With renewed thinking, you become a better planner and figure out how to chase your dreams rather than sitting back and waiting for them to drop into your lap.

Use these plans to create action points and goals that will motivate you to do more. Nothing will happen without action, so get up and start making your dreams a reality.

Become a Better Person

It’s time to become the best version of yourself!

It requires that you let go of limiting beliefs and fears that diminish your self-esteem. Nothing should hold you back from the life you want, but you are the only one who can make this happen.

Join us for the Brain-A-Thon and learn how to do this faster and easier than ever before. It’s one step closer to achieving your financial goals and dream life.

About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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