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5 Types of Rest a Person Needs

Author:NeuroGym Team

What do you do when you take a break from the hustle and bustle? Do you engage in different types of rest, or do you believe all you need is some sleep?

Well, we are here to set the record straight, so let’s explore five kinds of rest that you should prioritize. If you do, you will soon experience increased productivity, feel revitalized, and have a better outlook on life.

1.   Physical Rest

What does physical rest mean to you?

Many people believe it means sleeping or lying on the couch. Although the general idea is there, it’s not quite right.

Passive Physical Rest

Sleeping or taking a nap is referred to as passive physical rest and is necessary for your body to recover from all the energy it uses during the day. You should get about eight hours of sleep each night.

While you sleep, your brain has an opportunity to take a dopamine break. The brain never switches off, but sleeping gives it a chance to rest, as you aren’t thinking actively.

Sleep gives the brain an opportunity to build and strengthen neural paths, release toxins, and generate good chemicals to boost your mood. It also gives your muscles a chance to relax and recover from the daily strain of physical activity.

Active Physical Rest

Your body and brain also need active physical rest, as it has restorative properties. These are activities like massages, stretching, and yoga.

Engaging in active physical rest improves circulation and enhances flexibility. When your body circulates blood better, it sends more oxygen to your limbs and organs.

The brain needs loads of oxygen for energy and to function properly. Being flexible and having better oxygen circulation releases endorphins—a chemical that makes you feel good and reduces the impact of pain.

Do some stretches during your work breaks for a quick circulation and endorphin boost. It’s also a great idea to do yoga or something similar at least once a week, and try to get a massage occasionally as a treat.

Rest Relieves Anxiety

Physical rest is crucial for managing anxiety, as endorphins help you to be more energized and optimistic. Many times, anxiety is linked to fear, so you also have to address fear if you want to rest properly. Do this by signing up for our Winning the Game of Fear training.

2.  Mental Rest

Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt like you barely slept?

To combat your tiredness, you grab a cup of coffee, and another, and another throughout the day. It keeps you going, but you remain irritable and struggle to concentrate on your work.

What you actually need isn’t a cup of coffee—you need mental rest.

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Take More Breaks

Stop sabotaging yourself by relying on energy drinks, sugar, and caffeine to energize your tired mind. Instead, take short breaks more times during your workday.

It may sound like a tall order, but it isn’t. Use the time you would get a coffee to take a mental break. Do something more brain-healthy in those few minutes.

Take several deep, detoxifying breaths; go for a brisk walk; or meditate. These short breaks allow your brain to rest and reenergize for the next task.

Create Routines and Habits

Building habits and sticking to routines can boost mental rest. Habits allow you to achieve your goals faster, making you feel good about yourself and motivating you to do even more.

Your productivity increases because you know what you are focusing on. Schedule some time today to reevaluate your daily tasks; turn them into habits and routines; and experience the benefits of a clear mind.

Write Things Down for Stress Relief

It may sound silly, but writing down what’s on your mind decreases mental clutter and allows you to free up space in your brain, so you rest better.

Keep a notebook next to your bed and write down any lingering thoughts that keep you up at night. A diary can help you keep track of appointments and important things to remember, while journaling is a great way to release emotional thoughts and help relieve stress.

3.  Creative Rest

Are you always on the go, solving problems, and brainstorming new ideas? Well, that’s good and definitely provides you with a dopamine rush!

However, it can make you exhausted, and your creativity will suffer. It causes anxiety, so you need stress relief if you want to continue your creative journey.

Switch off From Brainstorming

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Occasionally, you should stop brainstorming and problem-solving, and give your brain a rest. Do this by looking for the beauty in the world to reawaken your creativity.

When you allow your brain to switch off, you remove the pressure on it which decreases stress. It lowers your cortisol levels and improves logical thinking because your brain isn’t in a constant emotional battle.

Inspire Yourself

The best way to take a creative break is to search for something that inspires wonder and awe. Think for a few moments about something that inspires you; cling to that image. It could be the exact thing you need to boost your creativity in a relaxed way.

Your source of inspiration could be watching the waves of the ocean or sunrise, seeing a horse gallop across a field, or hearing a thunderstorm. Imagine those images and sounds frequently, and add pictures of them to your office to inspire you daily.

Improve Your Creativity

If you are stressed, you are likely to become anxious or be scared of failing. These feelings are even greater when you are worried about failing. Learn how to achieve Winning the Game of Fear and spend your energy on creativity instead of stress.

4. Emotional Rest

Quite frequently, we agree to do activities, take a meeting, or socialize with a friend, but deep inside, we instantly regret the decision. It’s like you just don’t have the energy to deal with this specific situation or person at that moment.

If this sounds like you, then you need emotional rest.

Express Yourself Authentically

To overcome your emotional exhaustion, you need to be honest with yourself. You cannot expect yourself to have mental clarity if you are an emotional wreck because your brain doesn’t work this way.

Start by being your authentic, real self when you have internal conversations and when talking to other people. It’s okay to say, “Today isn’t a great day,” or “I’m not feeling happy at the moment.”

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When you verbalize and name your emotions, you accept what is happening in your mind. It allows you to deal with the situation properly instead of cramming your feelings into a dark corner.

Prioritize Relationships Appropriately

A lot of emotional exhaustion stems from interactions with people who drain your energy. You need to be honest with these individuals and choose your relationships better.

Excuse yourself from events that won’t make you feel good instead of draining yourself emotionally. It’s much better to spend time with the people who support you, understand the things you are going through, and leave you energized after every interaction.

Managing Anxiety Is Necessary

Anxiety, especially social anxiety, frequently accompanies emotional exhaustion. You need to be less hard on yourself and stop being fearful of what might happen.

Give yourself a break and start calming yourself intentionally. Once you do this, your emotions balance out, and you can manage social situations better.

5.  Spiritual Rest

Spiritual rest is the final type you need, as it allows you to perceive yourself relative to the rest of the world. It’s all about love, acceptance, having a purpose, and belonging.

Sometimes, you may feel like you missed your calling, that you are worthless, or that you have no clear direction. When you have these thoughts, spiritual rest becomes important.

Connect to Yourself

Getting to know yourself is essential for self-love and confidence. You aren’t just a person going to work, running errands, and socializing.

Do some self-reflection so that you learn more about yourself. Think about what makes you special, the unique ways you make the world better, and what you want to achieve in your life.

Engaging in Innercise™ is a productive way to establish an inner connection. Through deep breathing, visualization, and reframing, you gain the ability to create a new picture of yourself. It inspires action and allows you to pursue your greatest dreams with new energy.

Focus On Something Greater

Spirituality also requires that you view yourself in light of your surroundings and the world around you. You have an important part to play and can have a lasting impact on other people, nature, and the world as a whole.

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Sometimes, when things don’t go according to plan and you feel tired, it’s necessary to establish a spiritual connection with something bigger than yourself. Turn to your personal convictions when this happens.

Pray, meditate, or engage in cultural practices to strengthen your sense of belonging and purpose. If this doesn’t appeal to you, then do some voluntary work like helping out at an animal shelter, looking after an elderly neighbor, or cleaning the local park.

Different Types of Rest Can Help Fight Fear

With so many types of exhaustion, it’s no wonder that you need your rest. Unfortunately, you can’t rest properly if you are fearful, so learn how to turn your worries into fuel by joining us for Winning the Game of Fear.

About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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