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Affirmations for balance

20 Affirmations for a Balanced Life

Author:NeuroGym Team

What’s your favorite affirmation for balance in your daily life?

Some of the most popular ones are:

I have gratitude for the positive things in my life.

I release negativity from my body.

I am worthy of happiness and love.

We’ll ask again: What is your go-to affirmation?

The Science Behind Affirmations 

Affirmations aren’t some superficial mantras that someone thought up; there exists real science behind affirmations.

When you repeat affirmations to yourself, you are creating new neural pathways in the brain. Over time, these pathways become stronger and make the belief come true.

It rewires your thoughts and gives you a chance to focus on your abilities and the positives rather than on things that aren’t going according to plan.

Here’s a video to give you a better idea about the “settings” in your brain and how you can change them:

How Affirmations Help 

Life is a challenge, but affirmations force you to focus on the positive. It gives you an opportunity to provide yourself with a constructive message and, to some extent, a home truth.

Affirmations counteract your worries and negative personality traits. We’ve rounded up some of the best affirmations to help you achieve a balance between your personal and professional life.

What Affirmations Achieve

With these affirmations, you will focus on having a balanced life.

It refocuses your energy and gets you to recommit to the good work you are doing.

The more you hear that you are excellent, can improve, and that you are in charge of your life, the more you believe it. It’s a powerful effect that can bring out the best in you.

When to Use Affirmations

There is no right or wrong time to use affirmations, but you should be using them continuously. Repeat them to yourself in the morning, at work, at night, when you feel challenged, or whenever you deem fit.

Choose about five affirmations that appeal to you. Write them out where you can see them frequently. Keep them up for at least a week and alternate your affirmations as your needs change.

Rewire Your Brain

Changing your brain starts with small actions like using affirmations to rewire your neural pathways.

You can use similar rewiring strategies in all areas of your life, and that will create massive changes for you. It can propel you forward in a positive, constructive way!

Join us for the Brain-A-Thon and learn even more strategies to get the most out of your brain.

20 Affirmations for Balance 

Without further ado, here are some of our favorite and empowering affirmations.

“I achieve what I set my mind to.”

Everything you do in life starts with a decision to take action.

Alter your mindset to achieve more in your life—even when it feels like the odds are against you.

“My will to take action is stronger than any procrastination.”

When you want something in life, you have to work for it.

Delaying action can stop you from working toward your desires, so believe that your will to work is better than any distractions.

“I will say, ‘No’ if I cannot do something (and if I don’t want to).”

Sometimes, you will be asked to do something that goes against your morals, or you simply do not have time to do it.

It’s okay to say that you can’t accommodate a request. It shows you stick to your convictions and want to find balance.

“Success comes from within me.”

You are the author of your life, so write your own story.

Choose activities that give you full control over your success and dig deep for motivation when you have doubts.

“My self-awareness allows me to understand my emotions about things in my life.”

Being aware of your emotions allows you to think rationally instead of letting your emotions take over.

It’s okay to feel upset, angry, or happy as long as your emotions don’t overtake your judgment.

“I allow myself to relax after a busy day.”

Finding balance requires working hard and playing hard. You need to be able to switch off at the end of a busy day.

Find something fun to do and give your brain a break.

“My perseverance is at an all-time high.”

Throughout life, you will face many challenges, and you may feel like giving up. You shouldn’t.

You can get through anything because you have the grit and tenacity to succeed.

“I forgive myself and release past mistakes and failures.”

It’s inevitable that you will make mistakes or fail in any area of life. Don’t let this define you.

Forgive yourself for any past issues, learn from them, and move forward in a positive way.

“My future is under my control.”

You are the only person who can decide what you will achieve in life, so never let anyone control it.

Even when it feels like you don’t have your ducks in a row, believe that you can regain structure and control.

“Joy and happiness fills my life.”

Always be grateful for the good things that bring happiness to your life. Search every day for at least three things that bring you joy.

Reflect on those aspects and embrace the warmth of those emotions so that it takes you through the rest of your day.

“I am capable of learning new things.”

This is an affirmation, but it’s also a fact. You are entirely capable of learning all kinds of things.

We are offering you an opportunity to learn even more, for free, at the Brain-A-Thon. Reserve your seat now!

“I can change in a constructive and positive way.”

You know that there are areas of your life where you need to improve, so believe in your ability to do it.

Change is good and full of opportunities. Consider it as a chance to move in the right direction and don’t shy away from it.

“My self-esteem and self-worth grow daily.”

Many things in life can break down your opinion of yourself. You need to focus on counteracting these situations.

Find something daily that you did well and appreciate your growth. Gradually, your self-confidence will become more.

“I manage challenges and setbacks calmly because I am confident that I can overcome any problem.”

When you face a challenge, you may become overwhelmed, and your emotions could be running the show.

This doesn’t have to be the case. You can calm yourself down and think rationally despite the obstacles in front of you.

“My limiting beliefs do not define me because I challenge them.”

Limiting beliefs can prevent you from becoming the person you really want to be or from living a fulfilling life.

Find balance by questioning your limiting beliefs head-on. Seek the truth so that you can define your reality.

“I allow myself to dream about the life I want.”

You know what you want from your life, and some of your wants may seem (too) ambitious.

Don’t sell yourself short. Dream about your personal and professional future, and use visualization exercises to bring you closer to your dream life.

“My willpower is stronger than any temptation or distraction.”

When you try to break old habits, it’s normal to be challenged or fall back into old ways.

You are a strong person who has already made a choice to improve. Use this motivation to continue moving forward despite the distractions and temptations that may present themselves.

“I prioritize self-care.”

Part of having balance is to take care of yourself. You need to get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthily, and do stuff to make you happy.

Make it your mission to spend time with yourself. Schedule alone time to do the personal activities you haven’t gotten to before.

“I make time for the important people in my life.”

Your life is full of people who care for you and want the best for you, so you need to take care of them just like they do for you.

Give your loved ones a call, send them a special message, or arrange to go for a meal together.

“I stick to my schedule to avoid feeling overwhelmed.”

When you are stressed or have a lot on your plate, you can feel overwhelmed. It may cause procrastination or emotional outbursts.

Create a schedule and stick to it. Take charge of your responsibilities so that you don’t become so emotional.

Achieving a Balanced Life 

Which of these 20 affirmations appeals most to you?

The one(s) you choose says a lot about your current priorities and the direction you need to move in order to achieve balance.

Everyone seeks some kind of balance between their personal and professional lives. It’s not always easy to achieve, but it is possible.

Find out how at the Brain-A-Thon—the premier neuroscience event that will set you up for success in all aspects of your life.

About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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