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Goal Achievement

What Johns Programs Can Do For You From Someone Who Knows

Author:NeuroGym Team

My name is Valerie Ketjen, and I’m a Goal Achiever. I want to start my Winning the Game of Money story by saying, thoughts shape your reality!

This concept was a big takeaway for me after completing the Winning the Game of Money (WTGM) program.

Before I set out on my Innercise journey with the NeuroGym community (about 2 years ago), I was deeply in debt; I had no income, nowhere to live, and nobody to turn to. I was lost—lacking a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. I was even looking into my possibilities for staying in a homeless shelter.

My thoughts were filled with negativity, and I often wondered how the hell I would make it through the day.

And even more upsetting, I wondered how my children would survive the overwhelming stress and financial hardship I was going through.

I was mentally and emotionally trashed because of my situation, and I had no idea why this had happened to me. Why had I become the victim of a mentally abusive relationship? What the heck was wrong with me? Where did I go wrong?

I’d just lost my part-time office job when I chanced upon NeuroGym through my Facebook feed. I saw a post by John Assaraf announcing his invitation to join a live, free training event called the Brain-A-Thon.

I signed up for it immediately, thinking, this is just what I need to do right now: Change my money mindset.


Brainathon banner

After watching the Brain-A-Thon, I took the plunge and purchased the WTGM program right away, which was such great timing for me! Right off the bat, the program’s training materials helped me realize that I already had everything inside of me to achieve anything I could imagine. It was a huge wake-up call!

I felt like I had finally found the operating instructions to the metamorphic wings I’d been carrying around all these years. 

But what amazed me most was how John, his team, and the NeuroGym community supports and treats each and every participant as a unique individual with legitimate goals and dreams. This, for me personally, resulted in profound insights and a big boost in confidence.

Let me please tell you that NeuroGym is the most open-hearted, uplifting, and invaluable community I have ever been a part of. It’s filled with real, like-minded, inspiring people who serve as real examples of our human connectedness and how we all have similar fears, hopes, and dreams.

Thank you, John! Thank you every single person in the NeuroGym community!

During the WTGM program, I discovered that my only limitation was the belief system inside my head, which was solely responsible for my lack of confidence and focus.

NeuroGym helped me get my act together by understanding my money story, regaining self-esteem, transforming my limiting beliefs into empowering ones, and creating laser-like focus by turning off my brain’s fear circuit and activating its motivational center instead.

After diving deep into the dark corners of my brain, I finally identified the “short-circuit” in my money mindset where I’d convinced myself that “money doesn’t make you happy.” And therefore, “being happy excludes financial abundance.”

But with daily Innercise, I became consciously aware of the fact that my perception of money was skewed. I’d been raised with the idea that not having a lot of money didn’t matter because we were a happy family and that people who had money weren’t happy because of it.

(Below is the short video I recorded for the NeuroGym community where I talk more about my hidden money story discovery.)

Valerie's video

My hidden money story and the limiting belief that having lots of money results in not being happy had been imprinted in my brain since childhood.

Once I recognized what was lurking in my subconscious mind, I knew that I was depriving myself of earning enough money—just for the sake of not losing any happiness.

This ingrained, false belief led me to resist seeing myself as worthy of making enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle doing what I love. Therefore, I never took action toward my goals and ideal vision for my life.

I have to say, this revelation was a great eye-opener that’s drastically changed the way I approach money. Now I just spend money differently, not more often or in excess. And with a sense of sincere gratitude, I actually enjoy spending. For example, if someone does some work for me, I pay them willingly and immediately—instead of postponing payment just to see if I’m going to make it through the month.

Now let’s fast forward to today.

My life has completely transformed.

I’m now thriving rather than barely surviving!

My kids and I live in a wonderful apartment in the most beautiful area in The Hague. I have true, understanding, reliable, and uplifting friends that I love. I established a fulfilling freelance business doing work that I care about. And the rewarding work I do pays the bills and gives me the freedom to spend time with my kids.

And that’s only the beginning . . .

Think and become rich john assaraf ebook

I recently met my inspiring business partners, and I’m on the verge of launching a corporate and digital vitality program for my business, Miss Vitality. Along with that great news, I’m organizing a major event hosting the most inspirational speakers next year. AND I am writing a provocative book about my personal transformation story to inspire others.

Goal accomplished!

The only regret I have about purchasing the NeuroGym program was not coming across it earlier. It was the absolute best investment in my entire life!

My story may not be an overnight million-dollar success story, but for me, it’s been the most radical, wonderful transformation I could imagine.

In the past, I was playing the victim instead of living as the master of my mindset. Thankfully, those days are long over. I finally made the decision to get into the drivers’ seat and take control of the direction of my goals and dreams. I now have the mindset of a millionaire.

Now I’m ready to take it to the next level.


Sending you—out there reading this—heaps of love! Don’t just hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Think worthy and feel worthy. You can receive the same insight I did, so that you, too, can flourish.    ❤ ~ Valerie


P.S. If you’re ready to increase your awareness of all the financial opportunities around you and gain an understanding of what your own “money story” is and how it controls your relationship with money, sign-up for the free training to prime your brain to achieve financial success by clicking the button below. Get started on your own winning the game of money story today!




About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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