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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mindful Meditation

Author:NeuroGym Team

You may have heard about mindful meditation, you could have dabbled in it in the past, or you might want to do it but are uncertain of how it works. No matter your exposure to meditation, this ultimate beginner’s guide will help you make it a daily practice in your life.

Meditation simply means reflecting or contemplating your thoughts, events, and life as a whole. The practice has changed over many centuries, and mindfulness has been added to amplify the idea of experiencing your thoughts in the moment.

The Benefits of Thoughtful Meditation

Meditation has many advantages for your emotional, mental, and physical health. Let’s have a look at three major benefits you will receive from meditating frequently.

Declutters Your Mind

Your mind is bombarded with thousands of thoughts a day which can be overwhelming. It causes confusion, and your emotions run rampant.

When you meditate, you add structure to your thoughts and let them exist in your mind without letting them control you. It gives you the ability to acknowledge your thoughts and release any ideas that aren’t helpful to your mental health.

Reduces Self-Judgment

Meditating helps you to think clearly because you are in a calm state of mind. It helps you to separate irrational ideas from constructive thoughts.

Once you start to change how you perceive your thoughts, you are able to take a step back and observe them as part of the bigger picture. It allows you to realize that these thoughts don’t define you, so there is no reason for self-judgment.

It’s a liberating feeling to sit with your thoughts and emotions but not give in to them. You might even start to welcome these ideas because they no longer impact your self-beliefs.

Improves Overall Health

As you clear your mind and obtain a calm sense of spirit, your health improves. Your stress starts to dissipate which reduces the effects of depression and anxiety.

You could also experience lower blood pressure and improved heart health. It’s easier to manage pain, and you feel more rested after a good night’s sleep with thoughtful meditation.

Make Mindful Meditation Part of Your Life

Adding meditation to your life is simple—all you need to do is make the decision to start somewhere. Use the following tips to incorporate meditation without any hassle.

Just Do It

If you wait for the perfect circumstance to meditate, then it’s never going to happen.

There will always be distractions, noise, more important tasks, and someone who needs your attention. There is no point in waiting to start meditating on Monday, when your kids are out of the house, or when you finally set up a quiet space. If you look for an excuse, there will always be one.

Decide today to take a couple of minutes aside for yourself. It can help to find a calm or quiet area of the house, so seek out a peaceful spot in the garden or your favorite room.

Sit down on a couch, lie down on a yoga mat, or rest in any position you find comfortable. Focus on keeping your spine tall; then, take a couple of deep breaths.

Concentrate a Bit More

In the beginning, you need to focus on setting aside some time daily for meditation. Don’t put any other pressure on yourself at the start.

Simply allow yourself to breathe and let your thoughts float through your mind. Make a conscious effort to return to the moment whenever you find yourself enthralled with a specific thought.

It can be challenging to bring your thoughts back to your breathwork, but do so as soon as you realize your attention slipping. Avoid fidgeting or feelings of anxiety by observing a thought and then blowing it away as you breathe.

Improve Your Mental Stamina

Meditating is all about mental strength and using your brain’s potential optimally. It can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

Sign up now for the Brain-A-Thon where you will learn about the power of having a calm mind and gain the ability to change your neural networks for good.

Focus On Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is all about concentrating on your own emotions and thoughts, so it goes hand in hand with meditating. The best way to become more self-aware is by bringing attention to your breathing since it is at the core of your body.

As you sit quietly, focus on your breathing. Take deep, rhythmic breaths by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth as if you are blowing through a straw.

Feel your chest expanding and contracting as you breathe. Focus on the breath moving through your body and how it makes you feel. Concentrate on the energy it sends pulsing through your body.

Release Self-Judgment

It’s quite common to feel that you aren’t meditating correctly, especially if negative thoughts pop up during the process. Make a promise to yourself, and state out loud, that meditation is a judgment-free zone.

You could perceive yourself as fidgety or clumsy during a meditation session, but don’t let this get to you. Accept that everything didn’t go right on that day, and commit to having a more constructive session tomorrow.

The important thing is that you take the time to meditate—even if you feel you aren’t doing it right. Be compassionate with yourself and let the negative thoughts go. They aren’t constructive, and it’s just your mind playing tricks on you.

Use this realization as a focal point for meditating. Make an effort to observe and acknowledge negative thoughts; then, release them without judgment.

Release Fears and Limiting Beliefs

Your fears and beliefs about yourself could be infringing on your meditation. They can make you think you aren’t good enough, that meditation won’t benefit you, or that you will fail at this endeavor, too.

Your brain’s programming is to blame for these ideas. The good news is that you can set yourself free from these issues by retraining your brain.

Find out how to change your reality, conquer your fears, and take control of your future. All you need to do is register for the Brain-A-Thon, and we will share all the secrets to lasting success with you.

Appreciate Your Efforts

Positive thoughts are bound to drift across your consciousness as you meditate. Concentrate on these thoughts as they improve your self-confidence. Release them just like you would with negative ideas because you want to keep a clear mind.

Focus on your breathing and how your body responds to positive messages. Finish your meditation session with one of these positive ideas.

Be grateful for the positivity in your life. Transfer this gratitude and sense of contentment to the next activity that you do—whether it is going for a run, attending your first meeting, or having a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

Use Innercise™ for Meditation

Innercise™ is a mental practice that assists your brain in using its maximum potential. We have designed special Innercise™ practices for meditation that guide you through the process.

The truth is that you don’t need to be in a super quiet spot or dedicate time to meditation alone. You can meditate while you do another activity such as washing the dishes, running errands, or while at the gym. It could be the ideal time to break away from overwhelming thoughts and clear your mind.

Innercise™ provides an auditory walk-through which is a slightly different meditating experience. Using audio can benefit you greatly and help you to stay mindful as you meditate.

Try the Innercise™ in this video to get you started with this process:

Bringing It All Together

If you were waiting for a sign to be more mindful or meditate, then this is it: Start meditating today!

We already gave you a bunch of tips to get you going with your meditation practice. Now, it is up to you to bring it to life.

You Are Not Your Thoughts

The crux of meditation is becoming still and observing your mind through self-awareness. Realize that you are not your thoughts, and they do not define you.

You have the ability to change your thoughts, but first, you need to take control of them. Do this through observation, acknowledgment, and appreciation, but then, let the thoughts drift away.

Try New Techniques

Breathwork is only the start of meditating, but you can change it up in many ways. Challenge yourself to try out new techniques for thoughtful meditation.

One technique is through Innercise™; another option is a guided meditation class, and other alternatives include yoga. You could even use an app specifically designed for mindfulness or meditation.

Meditate Daily

Meditation requires commitment and perseverance. You only get the maximum benefit from it by meditating frequently.

Schedule time in your day to meditate. Remember: This can be a couple of minutes on its own or while you are doing something.

Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life

Creating a more productive, impactful life starts in your brain. You must change your thoughts and old habits if you want to get more from life.

During the Brain-A-Thon, the world’s leading brain experts give insight into how the mind works. Join us as we explore the hidden areas of the brain, its flaws, and the things you need to do to change your thinking.

About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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