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The Brain Through the Ages: What Changes as We Age?

Author:NeuroGym Team

The Brain Through the Ages: What Changes as We Age?

For centuries, we have all assumed that our brains are at their sharpest during childhood and peak in adulthood. Now new research is challenging this assumption, revealing how the brain continues to mature throughout life—even into retirement age! Scientists may not yet know every milestone of human cognitive development but they’re unraveling exciting mysteries on a path towards understanding more about what makes us tick as we grow older.

From birth to death, the human brain develops and undergoes a remarkable transformation. It is essential to understand this process in order to better comprehend how our mental and physical health changes over time. In this article, we will explore what happens to the brain at all stages of life. 

The Infant Brain 

From the very beginning, a baby’s brain is an incredible powerhouse of potential and possibilities. Their neurons are rapidly forming brand new connections, allowing for creative learning abilities that enable them to understand language, know familiar faces, and form meaningful relationships with those around them.

Brain Development

The infant’s environment plays an important role too since young brains are particularly receptive to external stimuli; allowing them the capacity to learn through experience at this tender age! What makes this stage so remarkable? A newborn infant can quickly gain a desirable skillset through their environment in no time at all!


The Transition To Childhood

Childhood is a time of incredible cognitive growth! As children age, their brains form more connections between neurons; enabling them to up-level their skillset. Up until age 12 or 13, these neurons in the brain form additional pathways and increase overall processing speeds – dramatically improving cognitive skills such as problem solving and abstract thinking!

Brain Development

Hormones also kick into gear during this period of development which helps shape behavior from adolescence through adulthood. This development coincides with puberty when hormones shape behavior through adolescence into adulthood – creating an exciting period for the brain’s developmental transition from childhood towards full maturity. 

Adult Brain Development

  As adults age beyond their twenties, their brains begin to shrink in size due to a decrease in neuron production. However, this does not necessarily equate to a decline in cognitive functioning since adults retain the ability to learn new things through experience-dependent plasticity. Bad habits are very easy to form, but our brains are built with the ability to change. We are all able to break our bad habits and adopt new ways of thinking. Additionally, research has found that adults continue learning for most of their lives as long as they remain mentally active by engaging in activities such as reading or playing games that require concentration and focus.

In elderly individuals (over 65), certain regions of the brain are more susceptible to deterioration than others including those associated with memory formation and recall such as the hippocampus and frontal lobe regions respectively. With age comes an increased risk for neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease which can lead further cognitive decline if left untreated or unmanaged properly by medical professionals. Which is why it is so important to take care of your mental well-being and practice different techniques that help maintain cognitive function. 

Brain Development

Final Thoughts

A large amount of research has been conducted into how our brains change throughout life but there is still much more left to be explored before we fully understand why some people age gracefully while others suffer from debilitating diseases like Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia earlier than expected. Despite these challenges though, it is clear that no matter what stage of life we are at, our brains have an incredible capacity for adaptation meaning we can always strive for improvement regardless of our circumstances! By understanding how our brains work at different points in time, we can better manage our mental health so that we can live happier lives for longer periods of time!


About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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