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The Reason You Lack Motivation- and How to Fix It.

Author:NeuroGym Team

Do you have an endless to-do list, but somehow, you don’t get anything on it done? You are not alone. This happens to millions of people and is caused by a lack of motivation.

You are capable of doing so much more!

Find out why you keep putting things off and take back control of your life.

Your Why Is Missing

The Problem

Quite simply, you no longer want to do something whether it be a project, working toward a goal, or even staying in a specific career. Even with lots of introspection, this activity just isn’t appealing to you anymore.

You no longer identify the task with attractive rewards, or you feel there is no point in doing it.

The Solution

There are two options to overcome this problem.


Stop doing whatever it is you dislike and move on with your life.

If it doesn’t matter to you anymore, then there is no reason to punish yourself or other people by attempting to do the activity. Your efforts will be half-hearted, so stop. Find something else to invest your time and energy in instead.

Find Your Innermost Why

There are some things you cannot give up even if you no longer have the motivation to do them. It could be an activity at work, an event you committed to assisting with, or a household chore.

You cannot get out of it, so you need to find a new reason to complete this task. Find an indirect attribute to the task that will get you more excited to do it. You might do the household chores because you value the clarity of mind you get from a clean space, or you care about a promotion at work, and that’s why you will complete mundane work activities.

Fear Creates Procrastination

The Problem

Fear is a debilitating issue that may block your motivation. It manifests itself as anxiety, procrastination, and stress.

As soon as you start doing the task or thinking about it, you immediately take a step back. You leave it alone because there is an invisible hand pulling you away from the activity.

The Solution

Think carefully about what you are afraid of.

Is it a fear of the unknown? Are you scared of failing? Maybe you are scared of what the future holds if things go wrong (or right).

Name your fear. Write it down and think about all the ways it affects your life. Visualize yourself succeeding despite your fear and take the necessary actions to stop it in its tracks.

Did you know you can combat procrastination with just three steps? Learn how to do it right now by registering for our free virtual event!

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Your Goal Setting Isn’t Quite Right

The Problem

Goals should already motivate you to get more done because they create an aspirational state. Still, your goals could be the reason for your dip in motivation and your want of putting things off.

Goals are personal to you and lie somewhere on a spectrum ranging from super easy to overly complicated. Finding the middle ground is what you want to achieve, but that is a challenge in itself.

On the one hand, your goal might be huge, and it is starting to overwhelm you. You don’t know what to do first and that causes dread.

The opposite could also be true: Your goal is tiny and easily achievable. It’s within your comfort zone and doesn’t inspire you to action.

The Solution

The solution, in this case, is finding a good balance between too small and overwhelming of goals. You want to challenge yourself without feeling as if there are obstacles everywhere.

Create Manageable Milestones

If your goal is too big, then don’t make it smaller; instead, break it into manageable chunks that you can achieve more easily.

Write down your goal, analyze it, and identify the steps you have to take to make it a reality. Estimate the time you need to complete each step and make these steps your milestones.

Focus on achieving the first milestone, congratulate yourself when you get it done, and then concentrate on the next milestone.

Challenge Yourself Sensibly

If your goal is too small, then you’ll want to make it bigger. You want to make it even 10 times bigger.

Think about your goal carefully and visualize yourself achieving it. What does that image look like? Are there any other things you would like to see in the image that aren’t there currently?

Write down any missing elements from your vision and add those to your goal. Build your initial goal into something larger and more aspirational by fleshing out your ideas. You can use these elements to help you create milestones that lead up to the larger goal.

Not Believing In Yourself

The Problem

When you think of a specific activity or goal, your inner critic may speak up and say something like, “You are never going to get this done. You keep putting it off, so stop trying. It’s a waste of time!”

This isn’t something you want to hear. It breaks down your motivation rapidly, and it means you aren’t believing in yourself.

The Solution

There is a temporary and lasting solution for this problem. Use the first one if you need immediate help, and use the second one to improve your self-belief for good.

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A Rapid and Temporary Option

Recall a time when you did a challenging task that you didn’t think you would be able to do. Your belief in that moment might have been low, but you still managed to complete the activity well.

Use the triumph from that scenario to motivate you in your current task. You could do it then, so you can do it now.

Long-Lasting Solution

The real problem is limiting beliefs about yourself and your abilities. They mostly stem from your upbringing and affect your mindset. If you change your beliefs, you change your mindset which reestablishes your confidence.

Has John inspired you with his video on limiting beliefs? Well, we can teach you even more about believing in yourself and getting things done. Sign up for a free, on-demand webinar to access our secrets for maximizing your potential.

Putting Things off Due to an Unhealthy Lifestyle

The Problem

An unhealthy lifestyle could contribute to your poor motivation.

Poor eating habits, a lack of physical activity, and stress can all impact your ability to complete tasks. You might feel tired, prefer to stay in bed, or pass time with meaningless activities.

Pain and illness have become constant features in your life. This could manifest as headaches, digestive troubles, cramps, or other physical symptoms.

You might be so busy and stressed that you experience burnout, brain fog, and extreme fatigue. It will push you to a point where your body and mind shuts down and forces you to rest.

The Solution

An unhealthy lifestyle can be fixed by improving your quality of life in various ways.

Sort Out Your Priorities

Identify the activities that don’t contribute positively to your life and decide whether you can take them out of the equation entirely. Only focus on tasks that boost your mental and physical energy.

Get Enough Rest

Sleep is essential if you want to think clearly and get more done in a day. Aim for eight hours of sleep per night.

Create a bedtime routine, put away digital devices, and breathe deeply when you get in bed. Let go of any negativity, and visualize a good night’s rest to ensure you wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

Eat Healthier

What you consume affects your energy levels during the day, so eat nutritious meals and stay hydrated. Choose foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins that will provide you with sustainable energy.

Be mindful as you eat, and don’t combine it with another activity. Focus only on eating. Switch off the TV and put away your phone; instead, identify the textures, flavors, and aromas from the food in front of you.


Exercise provides energy and boosts your circulation. This increases the amount of oxygen in your brain and helps you to think more clearly. It makes it easier to focus on and work toward your goals.

Refocus and Reenergize

Mindfulness meditation is a great way to boost your motivation and improve your health. It requires that you stay in the moment which improves your focus on specific tasks. Set time aside for daily meditation where you clear your mind and find your inner motivation.

You can also do a quick calming exercise so that you can concentrate on a task immediately. Close your eyes, take six deep breaths, and visualize yourself in a healthier, happier state. Focus on that image for a couple of moments, then open your eyes and start the task at hand.

Impatience Causes a Lack of Motivation

The Problem

You had a goal ,and you thought you would have achieved it by now. Getting there is simply taking too long, and you’ve become impatient. Quitting is starting to look attractive even though you know your goal is within your reach.

The Solution

The old adage is all good things come to those that wait. The same is true when it comes to working toward your goals—you have to be patient. Use the Law of Attraction to help you get to your desired state more easily; create smaller milestones along the way to mitigate your impatience and stop your procrastination.

Stop procrastinating and get more done by using our science-based three-step formula. This on-demand training is available right now! Register today and achieve your goals.

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About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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