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5 Psychology-Backed Tips for Earning, and Keeping, a Prospect’s Trust

Author:NeuroGym Team

If you are an entrepreneur, then you know how challenging it can be to build trust among customers. We want to share a little trick to getting this done more easily: It all starts with having a healthy mind.

1.   Establish Credibility With Potential Clients and Existing Ones

Obtaining the trust of potential clients is probably one of the toughest things you have to do. Even once you have their trust, your existing customers still need to know they can put their faith in you.

The best way to do this is to establish credibility with all clients.

Show You Are an Expert

Credibility is conveyed by showing customers that you are an expert in your field. Customers want to know your background in the industry and what you have done to get to the position you are in now.

Demonstrate expertise without focusing on your qualifications alone. Consider starting a blog where you can share your knowledge with all customers. Create videos or graphics that explain your products and services or other topics that are relevant to your target audience.

Place positive reviews from existing customers on your website and social media pages. Add case studies of how you have helped customers to succeed in the past or get affiliates to promote your business.

Believe In Your Own Abilities

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Before you can take any of these actions, you have to believe in yourself. Take some time to identify your best qualities and consider how these impact your success.

Meditate on them daily so that you continuously strengthen the mental connection you have with your positive attributes.

2.  Be Consistent Across Touchpoints

Customers trust individuals and businesses when they receive consistent interaction and service. They don’t want to worry about whether there will be a deviation in any part of your business, so you have to bring consistency into all your organizational activities in order to strengthen the client relationship.

Meet Consistency Expectations

Trust occurs naturally when your business has a consistently positive attitude toward customers. This requires that your behavior remains the same no matter where or how customers come in contact with you.

Strive to portray the same brand image across all your touchpoints including your different sales funnels, on social media, your website, and in person. You may need to alter your exact behavior and attitude slightly, such as being warmer and friendlier in person. Customers should never feel that one communication channel is neglected when compared to others.

More importantly, always be reachable. Customers don’t want to wait unnecessarily or have their anxiety levels raised because they can’t get in contact with you. Answer the phone, return emails, prioritize meetings, and be present on social media to help build trust.

Repetition Works

If you continuously believe you are excellent and consistent in all activities, then this belief will strengthen the neural pathways in your brain. Consistency will become a habit because you are repeating the same positive behaviors on a daily basis. The stronger your mind gets in this regard, the easier it becomes to remain consistent and serve customers at the level they have come to know.

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All you have to do is sign up for the upcoming Brain-A-Thon where we share secrets of the mind.

3.  Strengthen Client Relationships With Empathy

Customers want an emotional connection with you and not just the facts of a situation. You have to bring emotions and empathy into the customer relationship to improve trust.

Walk In Their Shoes

Empathy is all about walking in the shoes of other people. It requires that you think about how they might feel or perceive a situation based on their demographics, background, and personality.

Listen to your customers, hear them out fully without any interruptions, and then check that you understand them. You might need to ask some questions to create a clear picture of the situation.

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When you have empathy, you are more involved with customers and realize their true needs. It makes it much easier to find a solution that works for them and that increases trust.

Empathy Requires Cognition

You have to use your brain if you want to be empathic with customers. It might come to you naturally, or you could have to work hard on truly understanding your customer. Either way, empathy requires that you put your own ideas to one side and that means you are using your cognitive function.

Thinking like the customer changes your neural network and allows you to create new pathways. These are much easier to use if you do it frequently, so practice empathy daily.

4. Stick to Your Word

In every business transaction, there are two parties who exchange money for goods or services. Customers trust you to deliver on your promises when they sign contracts with you or make a purchase.

Keep Your Promises

Customers have no guarantee that you will act in their best interest—they only have your word for it. You have to keep to your promises without exception if you want customers to trust you. When you stick to your word, you are sending customers a message that they are valuable to you.

Stick to deadlines, commit to certain quality levels, and don’t break promises. If your customers are unhappy and feel you broke their trust, then listen to them, and commit to changing the situation.

Commit to Yourself

Staying true to your word starts with the promises you make to yourself. You have to commit to yourself, which means you constantly work toward your goals even when it gets tough.

Make it a habit to keep up with your routines regardless of whether it is for health, work, or wealth. Take time to do some planning for your future and create actionable steps that you can follow to get you there in a systematic way. Only when you stick to your internal promises can you fully comprehend the importance your word has to customers.

A Relationship With Yourself

Your self-image is the picture you have sketched of yourself in your brain. This image can hold you back or propel you forward.

Learn how to change the picture to the one you want by hacking your brain. Register for our webinar and learn how to achieve your dream life.

5.  Be Honest Always

Honesty and trust go hand in hand. If you aren’t honest with customers, then they cannot trust you. The opposite is true as well: Being honest increases trust and strengthens the client relationship.

Tell the Truth

It goes without saying that you should always tell your customers the truth. Don’t lie about any part of your business and definitely don’t promise anything to customers that you know won’t happen. It’s natural to want to hype up your business but do so without misleading anyone.

Be transparent in your dealings, answer questions from potential clients, and reassure existing customers. All of these things help them to trust you more because it shows them you are ethical and straightforward in your interactions.

Honesty and the Brain

Your brain will believe you if you constantly think negatively or dishonestly, but it will also believe you if you are honest and positive. You need to rewire your brain by being honest with yourself.

Admit your flaws and tell yourself the truth about your limiting beliefs. Then, change the narrative so that you build yourself up through honest, positive messaging.

The more you convey the truth to your brain, the more it will believe you. It will improve your confidence and your customers will pick up on it which makes it much easier for them to trust you.

It All Comes Back to You

All these methods to build trust with customers require your personal involvement. You are at the center of it all and have to take responsibility for your interactions with customers.

Build Trust by Controlling Your Mind

Your brain is a powerful tool that you can use to do great things in your life including the creation of a successful business. Whether it comes to establishing trust or other things in life, you have to use your cognitive abilities to control your thoughts as they affect your actions and thus your business.

It doesn’t have to be a challenge. Controlling your mind could be something as simple as telling yourself to listen to your customer instead of making assumptions, or keeping your frustration at bay when an irate customer contacts you.

Use Neuroscience to Your Advantage

The common belief is that customers should be the focus of your business, and this is very true. To concentrate fully on customers, you must have a healthy brain. You can’t think clearly if you are stressed, anxious, or don’t believe in yourself.

The great thing is that you can take control of your thoughts and reality through neuroscience. Your brain is neuroplastic, so it can change and build new neural paths. This allows you to trust and believe in yourself more.

With this positivity and strength on your side, you can interact better with customers, and they will trust you more just because that is the case.

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Maximize Your Potential

The brain has limitless potential, but it’s only useful if you work hard to change your thinking and access hidden potential. We will teach you how to do this during the Brain-A-Thon.

Sign up today, strengthen your brain, and watch how it changes your life.

About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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