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5 Days to Millionaire Challenge

Author:NeuroGym Team

Master your money mindset by learning the tricks of the trade from the best in the business! I, John Assaraf, and the entire team at NeuroGym, invite you to join us in exploring how you can become a millionaire with the five-day challenge.

For this week only, we are giving you inside access to my mind and how I got to where I am today. I didn’t even finish high school, but I refused to let this stop me from becoming successful.

You can also make the most of your life, and I will show you exactly how to do this.

Are You Ready for a Better Life?

If you are ready to obtain financial freedom, then you are in the right place!

It’s normal to want the best out of life, but it’s also nothing strange to have no idea about how to make this happen. Well, I am going to take the uncertainty away from you and show you how to take your life to the next level.

Your Personal Coach

I have been a coach to many people throughout the years and built several multimillion-dollar companies. Now, I am offering you the chance to get the inside scoop right from my mind.

Yes, I want to coach you!

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The best part is that I am offering you this coaching for free over the next five days by going live on my social media platforms. All of these sessions culminate into the Brain-A-Thon we are hosting on Saturday along with a panel of brain experts.

What You Get Out of This

Everything comes back to your brain and mindset in life.

In this week, you will learn how to understand your mind better and how to leverage it to its full potential. This is all about getting to know yourself, creating goals, and developing healthy habits that will support your success.

Once you get to grips with using your brain optimally and changing it to work for you, you have the ability to do more, be more, live more, and earn more. You will realize what you truly value in life and improve your self-confidence so that you can get the desires of your heart.

It will change your life!

Step 1: Become Aware of Your Money Mindset

What is your relationship with money? Are you barely surviving or doing reasonably well?

Millionaires are aware that abundance exists, and they chase it! They refuse to let anything get in the way of their success. This can become your reality too, but first, you have to understand your mindset.

Your Money Story

Everyone has a hidden money story that reveals what they believe about their finances and income. Few people know their story from the start, so it is okay if you don’t know yours.

Your money story is what is holding you back, so you need to get past it if you want to be more successful.

Identifying the Obstacles

If you think about your life and financial obstacles, then you might feel that you cannot earn more, that you aren’t lucky, or that it is difficult to come by. All of these are money myths.

You need to have a frank discussion with yourself about your financial beliefs. It will help you to understand the ideas that are limiting you and defining your money story.

Valuing Yourself

Once you know your hidden money story and underlying beliefs, you can identify your financial set point. This allows you to acknowledge where you are and why you are in this position.

More importantly, you will realize you are worth more and you can change your set point—that is where your financial power lies.

Step 2: Reframe Your Thoughts

In Step 2 of the live coaching, we will take where you are now mentally and show you how to change your thinking by reframing your thoughts. When you do this, you are actively rewiring your brain so that you can get closer to your goals.

I like to do this with my 4R framework. This powerful Innercise™ allows you to open your mind to new possibilities and enact change in your life.


Start by recognizing your negative thoughts, emotions, or habits. Reflect on what is happening by being mindful and allowing yourself to simply appreciate that this is a natural occurrence stemming from your mind.

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Reframe the negative event by searching for a positive in it. You want to get to a point where you are controlling your thoughts and actions instead of allowing them to control you.


Most emotions and thoughts only last a couple of minutes at the most—especially if you are simply observing them without any judgment. You need to practice this type of observation and can do so with your breathing which helps you to let go of the negativity.


Now that you are in a better mental space, you can retrain your brain. Use this moment for positive reinforcement by using emotional anchors and strengthening neural pathways for good.

Step 3: Create Your Vision and Goals

Let’s be entirely honest with each other for a moment: Nobody becomes a millionaire by sitting back and waiting for money to land on their lap. You have to put in the hard work, take the necessary actions, and believe in yourself to achieve anything in life.

All of this starts with your vision for the future. You also need to create goals that will guide you along the way and set intentions.


Take a couple of minutes to visualize your future success.

Where are you?

What are you doing?

What does success look like?

Focus on the picture in your mind and immerse yourself in it so that you can identify all the small details. Write down what your future looks like and what you would like to achieve.


Use your vision to create goals that will get you closer to your ideal financial situation. Commit to each goal by writing it down on paper.

Think about the actions you need to take and the help you may need along the way so that you can start to form an action plan.


Part of your action plan requires that you set intentions to work toward your goals. This looks a bit differently for each person and might include the creation of milestones. It should always include a certain time frame in which to complete each milestone so that you are actively working on your goals.

Step 4: Build Your Self-Confidence

You have an image of yourself that you carry around in your mind. This is not the visualized picture you created earlier; it is the ugly one where you talk yourself down and diminish your own self-worth.

This won’t get you anywhere. It’s crucial that you remove the negative self-talk from your life and start engaging in positive, motivating conversations that improve your self-confidence.

What You Believe

The statements you make about yourself—I am too old; I don’t deserve more money, etc.—will become your truth. The more you repeat them to yourself, the more you will believe them.

These words will become your reality until you decide to change the situation. Just like you can use repetition to compound negative thoughts, you can also use them to alter your neural paths so that you have positive beliefs that serve your self-confidence.

What You Deserve

You deserve much more money and better outcomes throughout your life. You need to believe this, and when you do, your self-confidence skyrockets because you no longer question your abilities.

It requires that you move beyond positive self-talk and toward enlightened self-talk. When you get to this stage, your words change from “I can earn more” to “I deserve abundance.”

Step 5: Find the Right Resources

To ensure you have the life you want, you need to equip yourself with the necessary resources. This could be time, initial investments, mentoring, education, and anything else you could think of.

We are going to make this easier for you by giving you a head start through coaching and understanding the brain.

Live Five-Day Challenge

I hope you are ready for the five-day millionaire challenge. It starts today and continues for the rest of the week, so schedule this as your “me time” for the week.

The live sessions will happen on my Facebook page daily, so don’t miss it! Only you can take control of your future, and this is your ticket to doing so sooner.

Coaching for You

Nothing beats getting personalized help to achieve your goals faster. I am always looking for new people to coach and love seeing them succeed. You can also get in on this action by sending an email to me ( and telling me about yourself.

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Hack Your Brain for Financial Freedom

Finally, join us on Saturday for the live Brain-A-Thon where a panel of brain experts enlightens you about your brain and its hidden potential. This is an event that you can’t afford to miss, as it will change your life.

There are limited spaces available, and you can secure one today. Simply register and we will reserve your spot for free!

About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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