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Goal Achievement

7 Life Lessons from John Assaraf

Author:NeuroGym Team

How do you ideally see your life unfolding when it comes to your health and relationships? How about your finances? Your career? Are you interested in achieving your vision?

These are all important questions to ask yourself. But most importantly, are you committed to achieving your goals and dreams?

My first mentor and coach, Alan Brown, said to me: “If you’re interested in achieving a goal, you’ll only do what’s most convenient. You’ll likely come up with stories and excuses as to why you don’t want to do the work necessary to grow and to learn what you need to learn. But if you’re committed, you will do whatever it takes.”

This knowledge stuck with me. So before starting out on my path to success, I learned the importance of commitment. I learned that if you’re committed to your living your ideal life, you’ll do what it takes to upgrade your knowledge and your skills . . . and you’ll become whom you need to become. If you’re committed, you’ll learn from whomever in order to achieve your goals and dreams.

In this video, I share the key life lessons I’ve learned and implemented over the years. They are the reason I am where I am today.

Here Are 7 Key Life Lessons for Your Success.

1. Be committed to your goals and dreams.

No matter what goal or vision you have, first determine if you’re just interested in achieving that goal or if you’re really committed and willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

2. Understand the difference between setting and achieving goals.

There’s a huge difference between setting goals and achieving goals. This is a success principle that you must understand. What’s the difference? Setting goals is an intellectual and imaginative exercise that your conscious brain, specifically your left prefrontal cortex, does to decide what you want your life to be like.

But achieving goals happens as a result of having the right beliefs, perceptions, habits, and attitudes at the non-conscious level . . . where all of the habits reside. And the part of your brain (hippocampus), that drives your automatic behavior day in and day out, is what’s going to determine whether you achieve those goals.

If you don’t develop the habits at the non-conscious level, which include your self-image for how you see your life, you’re never going to achieve those goals. Makes sense, right?

3. Align the non-conscious and conscious parts of your brain.

You have to have a healthy mindset, skill set, and action set at both the non-conscious and the conscious level so that there’s alignment between the two parts of your brain.


4. Upgrade your mindset and skill set.

Every result you receive is a direct effect of what you believe to be true about yourself, your values, your habits, and your emotions. It’s either you have the right beliefs, values, habits, and emotions or you need to upgrade them to match the results that you want.

An hour a day to upgrade your mindset and your skill set is all you need to set aside. How will you develop your beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, emotional intelligence. . .  and the skills that you need in order to play at the next level of success?

5. Learn how to respond to feelings and emotions that are unpleasant.

Learn mindset techniques around how to frame things. As soon as you blame or justify, instead of being responsible for your emotions, your feelings, your attitudes, and your actions, you’re disempowering yourself. But when you take internal responsibility, you’re no longer at the mercy of the external, outside world.

6. Create daily success rituals.

The more success rituals, processes, and systems to activate your motivational centers of your brain, the easier it becomes to achieve success . . . and to make that the default mode of the brain. The more you learn how to create a success ritual for your day, your week, your month, your quarter, your year, the less difficult it becomes to reset the expectation point in your brain to be able to achieve that success.

What are some success rituals you can experiment with this week?

7. Surround yourself with people who are supportive and successful.

What I learned from my mentors and coach is that it’s worth paying for specialized knowledge from experts, not just from people who have opinions. If you want to make a million dollars (whether it’s net worth or within a year), the best thing to do is learn from somebody who’s already made it or who’s already making it right now.

If you want to be healthy, find somebody who’s healthy and follow their rituals, their processes, and their systems . . . and adapt them to your specific needs.

What’s next?

Are you interested or committed? If you’re interested, you’ll come up with excuses. If you’re committed, you’ll invest in yourself.


Join me and other leading brain science experts to learn about neuropsychology and the neuroscience behind goal achievement during the Brain-A-Thon event.

You’ll discover the proven methods to help you get mentally and emotionally unblocked so you can achieve financial freedom, train your brain to accomplish goals, and reach your dreams.


About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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