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5 Limiting Beliefs That May Be Holding You Back from Success

Author:NeuroGym Team

Unfortunately, we all have limiting beliefs that unconsciously (or sometimes consciously) hinder our ability to succeed at manifesting what we really want in life.

And the fact is, they’re sometimes so powerful that they can control our thoughts, actions, and emotions, shaping our reality and identity with false beliefs.

Do you want to learn how to overcome limiting beliefs?

Here are 5 of the most common limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from success.

1. Other people’s success will diminish mine. 

Every time you feel jealous or envy someone else’s success, you’re telling the universe that you don’t believe in your own abilities to create abundance, wealth, and success in your own life.

Remember that if the people around you become successful, it means that the Law of Attraction is working for them, and therefore, is very close to working for you too.

Like attracts like and every time you feel true excitement for others, you’ll be attracting more success into your life as well.

2. I need to struggle to succeed. 

It’s true that you need to take action and be relentless at achieving your goals and dreams, but this hard work should never feel exhausting or depleting.

If you expect to work really hard to get where you want to be in life, chances are, this is exactly what you’ll attract.

In order to change and upgrade your mindset, take action on things that are in alignment with your goals and values so it doesn’t feel like hard work.

3. My parents didn’t do enough for me.

It’s true that we all have different upbringings, however every time you blame your parents, your lack of education or your lack of resources, in most instances this is just an excuse for you to remain where you are, which sometimes can feel safer and more comfortable.

Remember that YOU (and only you!) have the power to change your current situation, and it’s your choice to use to your advantage everything that you’ve learned from your parents (the good and the not so good) and be grateful for this knowledge that has shaped you into the person you are now.

4. I don’t have enough time.

The truth is we all have the same amount of hours in the day, however, the difference is knowing how to manage your time wisely.

Whenever you find yourself saying ‘I don’t have time’, make sure you’re really not saying ‘I don’t want to’, as you may be using this excuse to not take action out of fear.

And if you find that it is fear, ask yourself ‘What is it exactly that I’m afraid of and how can I overcome my fear?’

5. I’m not good enough to succeed. 

Do you ever worry that you’re not good enough, not smart enough, or you simply don’t have what it takes to be successful?

If you do, you’re not alone.

And even though at some point in our lives we all may feel we’re not as good as the next person, what’s important is to acknowledge that these are just false limiting beliefs.

Remember that if things or situations don’t go as planned, it’s not because you’re not good enough, it’s simply because there’s something different or even better ahead for you.

And next time you feel stuck in life by a limiting belief, ask yourself: “How can I prove that this is not true?”

(This article was written by our friend and co-founder of Mind Movies, Natalie Ledwell. It was originally published on the Mind Movies blog.

What’s next?

In recent years brain researchers have made breakthroughs in our understanding of the human mind, and how to unlock its untapped potential.

Unfortunately, 95% of this information has remained unknown to the public . . . meaning the vast majority of us are struggling needlessly and missing out on what we’re truly capable of.

Morry Zelcovitch and Natalie Ledwell have come together for an online masterclass to show you the liberating truth: that you’re far more powerful than you ever imagined possible!

Register for this masterclass and discover how to upgrade your mindset to upgrade your life.


About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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