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8 Steps To Overcoming Fear

Author:NeuroGym Team

Have you ever missed out on an opportunity because you were afraid?

Fear is an insidious obstacle. Sure, it used to keep us alive back in the days of dwelling in caves when large, predatory animals wanted to eat us for dinner.

There’s no doubt about it, having a heightened awareness, stress hormones, and a clear focus saved many of our ancestors’ lives.

But nowadays, there aren’t as many real threats to our immediate survival. Inside your brain, however, you have the same fear circuit that your cave-drawing ancestor had.

So instead of freaking out upon spotting a saber-toothed tiger, your body responds to more modern terrors (i.e., fear of public speaking, fear of failure, fear of rejection).

The trigger is different, but the response is the same. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between something that’s real or something that’s in your imagination.

Luckily, you’re the boss of your brain. Watch this video with John Assaraf to learn a powerful technique on how to adjust and fix your focus . . . and release your fears from holding you hostage. Ready to start accomplishing your goals?

If you have a specific fear or feel like fear has taken over your thoughts and emotions, do this simple Innercise on a daily basis.

How to Adjust Your Focus and Release Your Fear

  • First, think of something that causes you to feel afraid. As you do this, take 3 long, deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth.
  • Next, imagine the potential worst-case-scenario — this is the imaginary outcome contributing to your fear.
  • See the situation going horribly wrong, as you breathe in and out evenly. Then, (continuing to breathe deeply) see and feel everything happening perfectly.
  • Pretend you’re holding both outcomes right out in front of you, one in each hand. Look at them objectively, and compare. Which one do you prefer?

  • Know and realize they’re both possible, and it’s (mostly) up to you to determine which one becomes your reality. What you choose to focus on determines which circuit in your brain lights up. If you fixate on fear, your sympathetic nervous system kicks on — you’ll feel your heartbeat increase and your breath quicken.
  • Focus on being calm and achieving a positive outcome. This will keep you calm as it activates your parasympathetic system.
  • Breathe in and out 5-6 times and really focus on it for a while. Feel yourself overcoming the obstacles (both physical and mental), and relish in the joy of achieving true success.
  • When you acknowledge all possible options, you have the opportunity to choose which one to focus on. And by deliberately choosing your focus, you influence your brain chemistry. This will then reinforce your choice, through your emotions and feelings.

When your mind’s eye focuses solely on the positive outcome for any given situation (i.e., socializing with friends, delivering a TED talk, sealing the deal, switching careers), “feel good” neurotransmitters such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are set free inside your brain.

These natural brain chemicals make you feel great . . . motivated and confident to achieve your goals and dreams.

On the flip side, if you focus on negative outcomes, you’ll produce adrenaline and cortisol, which are hormones associated with stress. These hormones shut down the motivation part of your brain by igniting the fear circuit.

The choice is yours!

Your brain wants to make sure you’re aware of any potential danger. You don’t have to accept or expect the worst—you just have to be aware of the possibility, in case you need to prepare.

When you sense danger non-consciously, your body instantly gets ready to fight, or flee — just in case. Once you check out your surroundings, and your brain receives feedback that the coast is clear, the fear will dissipate.

You can use this Innercise anytime you feel the fear creeping back in. If it isn’t serving you, it isn’t necessary, right? This practice will help you get clear and let go of your fear.


We’d love to hear from you!

Please let us know what you think of this Innercise in the space below. And thank you for sharing this brainy, powerful technique with your friends on social media.


About The Author

NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.

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